It's a good game but it's too long for a campaign for me. I lost interest when I became the Stag lord. Honestly that felt like the end of the campaign to me. I thought I'd like the ruling aspect of the game since I play games like Crusader Kings 2 and 3 that also have you build a country but in this game it just wasn't fun and I really can't explain why. This was my first experience into D&D since I have no friends irl who play the game (I'd only play D&D with friends if I played irl one day) and overall it was a great way of stepping my foot into D&D. I might finish the game one day but for now it'll be a nice little gem in my Steam library.

P.S. Another aspect of the game I found weak was characters. Some I didn't care for at all. I really liked Amiri the most but that's it. The others had potential to be great but were written kinda flat so when romance options started happening I didn't even want to romance anyone. I hadn't even spent enough time with the romance options to feel anything for them.

(I put 19.9hrs into the game on Steam before I quit)

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2022
