Responsible for DMC's current CUH-RAYZEE reputation. Easily the best story and cutscenes in the DMC series.
I like this game a lot but perhaps not as much as I used to - a lot of the missions are a bit tiresome and a good chunk of the enemy roster are straight up just not fun to fight against.
While the style system would see refinements later on this is still a good start, especially with the Style Switcher mod installed on PC. I dislike how some actions are restricted to styles that could easily be made default though, such as needing Swordmaster to combo in mid-air for most weapons.
I'd like to come back to this and try and master it better sometime but as it is this is one of the best action games on the PS2. Turn turbo mode on. I also recommend the DDMK mod on PC.

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2022
