Permeated by the same GaaSy stench that all f2p games are, but here it's obnoxious even at the free level. I know it's uncomfortable to raise any silly little issue above insidious monetisation/retention tactics but if I see one more person spam their free Rich White Man Streamer emote after scoring a goal I'm going to fucking lose it

Game itself is quite fun, but with a few caveats. One is that soloq has somehow been far more frustrating than any moba I've played - being a sports game means that coordination with at least one of your guys is pretty much necessary to function and I'm sure it goes without saying why soloq isn't a very good avenue for that. The other is the stark difference between quickplay and "normals" - quickplay is first to 5, with passive items called "trainings" randomly assigned to everyone before the game starts; fast games, but your character is essentially better or worse every game at complete random. Normals are bo5 with each round being first to 3, and between-rounds are broken up with a messy draft-pick system where everyone picks... a random selection of trainings. In return for games lasting upwards of 3 times longer than in quickmatch, you don't even get to solve the main problem with it?

It's fine - good, even! - if you play it with friends, but not a game I can see myself playing without. Maybe it's time to stop looking for my replacement Battlerite.

Reviewed on Apr 30, 2023


1 year ago

did they add any ability to communicate with teammates? played this on launch and one of the reasons it was so frequently miserable was the complete inability to coordinate anything with pings or what-have-you

1 year ago

@jobosno yeah there's a radial menu for callouts bound to f, but the game doesnt even tell you it exists untill you stumble into the keybinds menu. i saw someone use it in my game once before i knew it was an actual feature and thought it was an emote and thought you had to pay for callout emotes or something lol. it's pretty basic stuff like "pass", "spread out", "get kos" that centre on your character so you can't ping a specific area for your team to cover or anything