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Hands down this is probably one of the best games I have ever played. I loved it so much. The entire game is spectacular- from the soundtrack to the visuals, to the story- everything feels so RIGHT with it.

The story begins with young photographer Max Caulfield returning after a long time to her old hometown of Arcadia Bay, quickly reuniting with old friend Chloe Price, and attending the private school Blackwell Academy.

However, being back isn't as good as it seems, for the duo set out to investigate mysterious rumors surrounding the extracurricular Vortex Club, as well as the disappearance of Chloe's former best friend, Rachel Amber. As the story progresses, Chloe and Max become further swept up in their investigation, discovering a much darker side to Arcadia Bay than Max ever knew possible.

Gameplay-wise it was pretty simplistic, you move through different areas exploring and interacting with the world and people around you, looking for clues and solving puzzles. The game also makes efficient use of Max's superpower- the ability to rewind time. The game gives you so many opportunities to use this power and seems to actively push the player into using it. However, with a power as cool as this, there are bound to be consequences.

One thing that I feel is central to this game is the meaning of "destiny" and how Max's actions, even if done with the best of intentions, can cause harm or unintended consequences. I feel the ending does an exceptional job of showcasing this. The entirety of Episodes 4 and 5 are all about Max making hard decisions, and realizing the true effects of her choices and power. For example, in Episode 5, the storm that befalls Arcadia Bay is slowly realized of potentially even be caused by Max's overuse of her powers- which leads to the final big decision of the game: Will Max choose to sacrifice Chloe, a best friend- and romantic partner she had just reunited with to save the whole town? Or, will she choose her happiness and put herself first for once by choosing to save Chloe, but perhaps sacrificing the entirety of Arcadia Bay in her wake? On one hand, if the player chose to sacrifice Chloe and save the town, Chloe would die in the first episode in the bathroom, in her last moments being told how pointless her existence was and how horrible she was as a person. However, if the player chose to save Chloe, the entire town would face the wrath of the storm, and there might be only a few survivors. I spent a great while trying to figure out my choice, but in the end, I chose to save Chloe. Throughout the entire game, such a strong emphasis is put on Chloe and Max's relationship, as well as how important Chloe is to Max and those around her. The entire game gives both of them so much development to their personalities but also their relationship, which would be pretty much lost if you sacrificed her.

This game puts the limits of "what would you be willing to sacrifice?" to the test. It also tests the player's ability to think on their feet (shown throughout the fourth and fifth episodes respectively) and the player's- and by extension Max's morality.

Everything about this game feels special and brilliant in its way. I am really glad I got to play this game.

I loved that this game not only focused on the "investigation" of a mystery but also focused on the intricate friendship-turned-potential love story of Chloe and Max. They are definitely by far one of my favorite couples from any game series that I've played, and I will forever love revisiting both this game and them from time to time.

Also, this game made me way too emotional (in a good way) and gave me brain rot lol. I am 100% hooked on this franchise.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
