Solid solid game, I'm currently playing other things but still remember everything. I'm planning on coming back.

I have it shelved as it's game with a lot of DLC's and is pretty huge, so I'll play it when I have the time, for now controls on console are weeeird but not horrible, still enjoyable.

The final station is okay at what it tries to do. At first it looked something like it was about a cult, at least that is what if looked like in the first sequence. Then it seemed to be about aliens or about humans creating monsters. And precisely the problem with the game is the story what it's more focused about. It's trying to tell us a lot of stories at the same time, almost feels like it's told like a souls game, but without really commiting to something. We don't even get a fullfiling ending about us or the black things or the establisments around the world. World building is lazy, characters are not interesting nor charming at all, and it's quite forgettable, but in the end it becomes memorable because of how sadly empty the story feels. Gameplay is dull and boring. The game is not bad but it tries too many things in a short span of time, could've off been better but as I've been saying, tried too much.