Definitely has a lot of issues, but there's still so much to love with it! Personally a particularly big fan of how alive everything feels - they really did what they could to make it feel like you were in a city apartment complex during the 302 segments. Was very successful in the sense of slowly stripping the player of safety while providing increasingly claustrophobic environments to move in, and the environments themselves were really fun to explore and see change! The story, while pretty wild, still rings as tragic no matter which ending you get, and I had a lot of fun really diving into what was going on & piecing everything together. My main issues with it were the combat system and some design choices (namely sound), but the former at least gets a little easier with practice!
If some aspects of this game were executed a bit better, I really think it would be far more appreciated than it is.

Reviewed on Jan 20, 2022
