An adventure awaits. A world in ruin requires your deft hand to bring it salvation.....or perhaps.....nothing. The choice is yours as you venture forth from your cell with nothing but a broken weapon and hope in your back pocket.

This is Dark Souls.

What is there to say about the most discussed game of the 2000s. Reaching much farther than its predecessor Demon Souls due to its multi platform release, Dark Souls IS the game of the 2010s. And it is also the game of the 2020s - see Elden Ring and the plethora of Dark Souls inspired games that have arisen in the years since.

Dark Souls is a perfect experience. It rewards exploration, patience, and strategy as you discover the next boss, and the next build you're going to put together to keep you in the game. It is dripping with inspiration from games such as Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger, and even From Soft's own King's Field as it springs forward from the darkness. Unlike the many games that proudly declare their influences as the thing to be proud of, Dark Souls shows us that you can be influenced without imitating. It's incredible.

I am not totally convinced that there will be another game crystallized as clearly and with as wide a reach as Dark Souls until there is one, and its been 13 years since players first lost their souls to the torment of the Taurus Demon.

My only real regret is that it took me 13 years to try and understand it, rather than argue with it for what it is. And I'm supremely glad that I did.

Praise the sun.

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2024
