It has got to be really tough to develop a Metroid title. I mean that. When you have a group of people that got together and made a series of games that continuously improved and innovated over the course of 3 major console generations it must get really difficult to continue such a streak. The pressure to deliver must feel so immense.

Because of this, it comes as no surprise that the Metroid team at Nintendo decided to remake Samus's original adventure with all of the quality of life improvements found in Super Metroid and Metroid: Fusion rather than build a brand new game. Consider Zero Mission an affirmation that the Metroid team had reached the peak of what they could do with the current hardware available to them.

It's a full remake of Metroid with a full map, objective markers, enhanced upgrades, tight controls, and wonderful Game Boy Advance 16-bit graphics. It has a few moments where the movement required of you feels a bit beyond the range of motion given to you, 95% of the level design is excellent, and is complimented by a breezy and tight structure that makes everything flow like smooth peanut butter.

Also it has a coda that absolutely blew away my expectations. Somehow, after giving us a full remake of Metroid, the team found a tasteful way to extend the narrative just a bit more to squeeze as much Metroid out of this experience as possible.


Reviewed on Oct 13, 2021
