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1 day

Last played

November 30, 2023

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Consider your Larrys found.

Short and sweet point-and-click game that can be finished under 30 minutes. As a fan of germfood's rancid art direction I'm always happy to see more of their stuff in action - just look at that sweet box art.

The gameplay loop consists of (you guessed it) finding not-Waldo in a crowd of hundreds of people. Trees and houses and other folk are going to obstruct your view, so you are given the option to spin the 3D environment by 90°, though I'd argue this feature has not been optimised to its full potential as I barely had to use it.

The actual finding portion of the game is not all that hard, but I do appreciate germfood's fun use of gameplay mechanics woven into the narrative, already seen in Night of the Consumers. The unconventional and at times gross aesthetics mixed with a comically absurd overarching plot, gives a unique and entertaining experience. It's a nice change of pace, and the reason why I still love playing small indie games.

For what it is (considering the price as well) it's def worth to check out. I'll find him again.