Hate to be a hater, but this game is so bloated. The PS4 Collection seems to be struggling with the frame rate which makes me a bit irritated because Arkham Knight works just fine.

Anyway, bloating. I can see that this game is like the Next Step after Arkham Asylum, but there's just way too much going on. Yeah sure the combat is snappy, but the inclusion of a dozen more gadgets and upgrades (most of them straight up handed to you from the very start) does not ease you into its very vast combat mechanics. It's not much to the game's merit that I did not really need most of them when punching and blocking works just fine to get to game's end. (Boring, I know, but I kinda lost my drive real fast)

I have not much to say about the main plot, and even less about the side missions- a horrible bunch by the way. First of, having to find 440 Riddler trophies is a bit ridiculous. At some point it just feels silly to time Batman's steps on to some random pressure plates. Second, the rest of the side missions is just 'do the same thing 10 times in different locations'. You get rewarded with an undercooked cutscene when you've been a good boy.

I don't really have to say anything about the main plot. It kinda drips on throughout the game, with no real highs attached to it. I do not understand why the end boss is Clayface. I guess we are running out of guys already.

I'm being petty now but the menu is uuuuuuuuuugly. This is something I really do not understand, like what a downgrade from the last one. It's unintuitive and clunky as hell. It's impossible to ignore that bright green flashing 'Level up!' notification when I don't know what to update. Not a fan.

Arkham City does not feel as smooth and intricate as the first one. All areas just kinda look the same and while Asylum had the advantage of crafting separate areas perfectly attuned to its villain of the hour, City's open world-ness makes it harder for anything to really stand out. It's a big sandbox that can be fun to play in but watch out for the cat turds.

Did not really enjoy this one, gamers.

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2024
