This game has been highly praised for it's story, and it is one of those games that can be played by virtually anyone due to it's simplistic design.

Portal takes place in a facility that takes inspiration from Valve's earlier game, Half-Life. Black Mesa had been an inspiration of Aperture Science, and Black Mesa was inspired by CERN in Geneva. The gameplay is somewhat constant throughout the game as it is a short game (lasting under a hour), and the game is more harder near the end. The game's sounds and visuals are giving the player a desolate feeling of an abandoned environment, backed by the ambient songs such as 'Android Hell' or 'Self Esteem Fund' which makes the game feel like a psychological horror rather than a puzzle game. The game's visuals are also showing how one side of Portal is shown as a friendly environment with the chambers having a neat look and the other side with Rattman's dens warning the protagonist with the crudely done drawings. The game is considered a psychological horror due to the fact that a ruling A.I. is testing a human's abilities on these tests, and how a sentient A.I has ruled over an abandoned facility, with no one else to look for help.

The game also comes with additional chambers to give players a replay of the game but with more difficulty, with the advanced chambers, and also challenges about using the least amount of portals, or least amount of time or least amount of footsteps to finish the test. Overall, this game is definitely worth it to play, and this game could be finished under a day.

Reviewed on Apr 23, 2023
