Five stars for the map alone, many fewer for every other aspect. This game was made by an asshole company full of shitty managers and execs, written by a bunch of turds, and played primarily by pieces of crap. They should have removed everything that "required" horrid working conditions and made Cowpoke Walk Simulator X. This game would be cool if it featured heavy racial commentary, was even slower, and you only killed like three to five people instead of five hundred million. Seriously how do you make a game about THE WEST that has nothing to say and no philosophy besides "wot if u were in the wild west and like, every one was actin a bit silly, that'd be funny right lads teehee hoo" and that's a direct quote from Dan Rockstar. But hey at least the online mode is full of multiple different kinds of white supremacist posses (slave catchers, KKK, Nazis, Confederates, Soldiers of Odin, and more!) that will target apparent BIPOC player avatars exclusively, and for no other reason than to inhibit their existence, so that's extremely realistic and accurate to America! Once again the community takes it into their hands to fix a AAA game.

Reviewed on Mar 08, 2021


3 years ago

That's impossible you knob. If the creators didn't exist and make their choices, the game wouldn't exist.

3 years ago

America is a racist empire, so yes, games about American history should be very racially aware.

3 years ago

My piece of shit white ancestors invented, enforced, and upheld racism in a way that affects everyone's life today. It's my duty as an adult person with the ability to empathize and think critically to help break down hierarchical systems of oppression, whether that's doing the internal work, raising awareness, organizing, direct action, the meagre act of leaving a facetious video game review, or whatever else. If you don't recognize that industrial-racialized-capitalism is the worst thing ever and is driving us into extinction then I can't help you, bud. Until society evolves, everything IS about race, because my piece of shit ancestors decided it to be so for the purposes of accumulating and controlling wealth harnessed through the exploitation of labor. Actually, let me just save you some more trouble: log off this site and do a web search for Angela Davis.

3 years ago

Anyone who thought my review was funny and honest are gonna lose their shit when they read these comments and see an ableist, racist gamer boy flailing at a stranger all to have made literally no point.

3 years ago

Your defense of racism and your use of ableist slurs. It's okay to not yet have examined all these pre-programmed biases as someone of your age, but you're going to be an adult soon and you will have to begin takin intellectual responsibility for your beliefs. But you have no arguments, you're simply refusing to engage in established, recognized historical context. That's reactionary, and it's not an useful way to analyze art, which is the primary function of a media review website.

3 years ago

If you're lucky, in another decade you'll look back at shit like this and cringe, then you'll laugh and think "I was such a dipshit, but now that I've educated myself, I'm surprised that people smarter than me even bothered to engage in my trolling as far as they did. But thankfully it was one of many small moments that set me down a path of questioning that helped me to become a kinder person."

3 years ago

No, I only keep responding because me and my friend think it's funny, or at least I do, and it's hard to find excitement during the quar'.