This game bring new and fresh ideas to the monster hunting genre. Specifically, the Karakuri mechanics allow for more personal checkpoint and navigational points which can be fun. For combat, it provides shared versatility beyond its simple weapons and I like the input sequence for fusion creations. While the weapons and skill tree can seem overwhelming at first, it is rather simple to plan weapon builds and customize skill progression. Surprisingly, the main story is short thus progression is fast and the grind not repetitive which I appreciate. A standout are the side quests that are okay and not mindless with hints of character development and choice specially the missing person and research device quest. Beyond its surface, this definitely deserves attention.

As for issues mainly from a Hand Cannon main, the hitboxes could use more work and dodge have more invulnerability frames as attacks track and linger too much at times. While I like the input sequence for fusion karakuri, I feel three (3) buttons is a good limit instead of six (6) as placing karakuri next to each other can be error prone sometimes placing them diagonally instead of horizontally. The input system can lag a bit if pressing too fast causing incorrect karakuri to come out thus wasting time and resources. Instead of a button sequence, perhaps a button combination would be better for fast paced action like pressing run with a face button (RB+A/B/X/Y) for the fusion variants. While I think the camera is a standard in this genre, the camera can be subpar with how big and fast the enemies are specially with attacks that go above or beyond the player's camera on a controller. Pressing two buttons can be a bit imprecise like firing the beam (RT+Y) instead of using the mortar (Y). Lastly, I hate that dodge recovering from a knockdown is always backwards (relative to the camera) instead of the movement direction held as the prior issues can lead to another knockdown which is just so annoying. I feel the overall execution and design causes more grief than it has to although other weapons may have different issues.

For minor issues before the endgame, the main story is serviceable and the last boss does not fit in the genre as well as being easy. While the dialog choices mostly are for player expression, I feel they lack more choices to compensate the silent protagonist and the lack of consequence. Most of the mechanics lack a proper tutorial. I wish the transmog system was not locked so late in the game and require so much resources. More decorative karakuris would be nice to lean into home designing specially with its online functionality.

In summary, I do like this game and what it brings as this game definitely stands out. While I am aware of the lack of support from its publisher and the poor release at launch, I would like to see another iteration or see the ideas spread. I will say though I can only recommend this to genre fans as the difficulty is higher upfront.

Reviewed on Dec 03, 2023
