I did not play the prior game in the series but this is certainly a very enjoyable action shooter with nice procedurally generated levels, good multiplayer experience, enjoyable gameplay loop and understandable RPG stat system all to create those intoxicating builds. I say all that first because I think this is a really good game where I had hours of fun with my group; on my own though, I do not prefer the progression loop of making builds as I am more a rogue-like (not rogue-lite) player. I do very much recommend the game for how unique and enjoyable it is but I acknowledge it is not for me.

As for issues, I can say some minor bugs would be the biggest one where in particular some builds are not working due to missing descriptions or outright not working which hopefully can be fixed over time. Some crashes too are annoying specially in multiplayer but not sure with solo play. I am amazed with the world generation but it quickly lost appeal for me. I do not prefer the kind of esoteric secrets where it is hard to figure out without a guide although I do appreciate this bold approach in the context of a multiplayer setting. The menu interface could be better for console players as it feels more for PC.

This will still remain as one of the games of the years to celebrate and players deserve more of this.

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2023
