
Clearly ingenious puzzle design but doesn't work for me as a game at all. Feels like sitting-there-waiting-to-have-a-eureka-moment simulator. Did a couple dozen levels and never really got that excited by successfully solving a puzzle and it's not Fun To Play in the meantime. In, say, Portal, you have a portal gun and can kinda mess around a bit while you prod the level for holes - plus, the writing is excellent. In this you're playing a sliding box puzzle.

Kept playing a couple levels and then thinking "why am I doing this?" and closing it.

I always feel bad giving poor ratings to games that I really do not enjoy but feel no ire towards, but I am leaving this review as an epitaph to remind myself that Baba Is You is no longer on my to-play list. Puzzle Games may be joining Metroidvanias in the "game types I thought I liked but it increasingly turns out I actually don't" category

Reviewed on Oct 16, 2023
