Basically fine. Enjoyed a majority of my time with it and really enjoyed a few of the scenarios but I would often reach a point where I had ALMOST everything filled out, and knew the gist of what occurred, but there was one little ancillary mystery that I didn't have all the details of pinned down, so I couldn't finish the level. And at that point I'd already looked at everything and really didn't want to go over it all again with a fine-toothed comb to pick out the one or two extra little details that I'm Just Not Seeing that would let me finish.

So what often happened is I'd get like 85-90% of the way through finishing a level and decide "alright, I've spent enough of my life looking at this" and look up the final thing or two.

Basically, I was often sick of what the game was asking me to do before it was done asking me to do it. There was one party scene and one of the paragraphs you have to fill out was like "blank and blank went to blank to blank and ran into blank and blank before going to blank and seeing blank" and I was pretty sure that could describe about four things that happened and I didn't even try to fill it out, I just looked it up.

And the last scenario where you have to put the events in order? It was not interesting to me to figure out which of these largely independent events occurred at 7:30 and which occurred at 7:35. It doesn't matter, and I'm not going to sit here for an extra fifteen minutes trying to figure it out. I'll just guess.

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2023
