Came for the music, stayed for the music.

The system of layering in additional instruments and vocals as your multiplier increases is great! Until you get hit. Messing up in games will usually give you that feeling of missing a stair and having to quickly improvise and get things back on track, and that is fun - the problem here (for me) is that EVERYTHING being tied to your multiplier makes getting hit feel Especially Bad. You do less damage, you get fewer points, and - most critically - the music gets worse. Anything other than getting to and staying at 16x for the entire level felt awkward, so I played on the easiest difficulty to facilitate that... but you want to be challenged, right? A bit?

My point is that I wasn't able to quite find a way to walk that tightrope. Either it was so easy that I cruised through pretty effortlessly or it was any challenge at all in which case a lot of the stuff that makes the game feel good kept going away. Part of this is my fault for playing on Series X with a controller instead of on PC with M+KB, because I increasingly think FPS + controller just doesn't mix well.

Also - stop putting annoying enemies in these games that rely on you getting into a flow state! Shield enemies?!? Why?!?

GREAT music though. Seriously.

Feel bad giving this cute little platformer a pretty mediocre score, as I have have no malice for it, but ultimately I just did not like the way that the movement felt. Even after unlocking most of the movement abilities, I wished the normal jump gave more height and I never quite felt like I could do what I was trying to do because of it. Controls in general are super floaty. Beautiful art though.