An absolute blast. Really liked how Kiryu and Majima's stories interwove towards the end, and the story as a whole was well done, with many emotional and hilarious moments

Combat was generally pretty fun, especially when you get to unlock the rest of the skills in the skill trees. However, I did find that it got a little repetitive with the 3 styles provided for both Kiryu and Majima until I unlocked the Legend styles for both of them, since I'm usually just doing the same few combos leading up to a heat action to defeat enemies

The soundtracks went HARD. Every single track in this game is a banger, and not one of them is forgettable, which is pretty crazy considering this game has like 80 tracks or something

The side stories and minigames are a huge part of what made this game so enjoyable. They provide a pleasant change of pace when you want to take a break from the main story, and there are a plethora of them to be experienced (and they're all great). Pretty amusing how you can still do them even when you're being hunted by literally every Yakuza in town. Peak game

Loved this game so much that I went ahead and bought the rest of the mainline Yakuza games (Y1-6). Expecting more kino ahead

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2023


1 month ago

ok but how do you rate it on a scale from splag to tuba

1 month ago

i rate it texhnolyzed splag/tuba