Perfect Dark is seen as one of if not the greatest first person shooter of all time along with titles such as Goldeneye 007 and Halo: Combat Evolved due to how revolutionary the game is perceived to be, while I respect Perfect Dark in no sense is it a perfect or even great game.

First off the shooting element of this game is much more refined than Goldeneye, mainly due to its hit detection being much more accurate then Goldeneye, but there isn't as wide a range of weapons that are viable in this game as their as in Goldeneye.

Secondly, the campaign in this game is not as good as Goldeneye. The mission's objectives at times are cryptic and strange and the ai can be really shitty sometimes. The whole system of being able to get different objectives due to your difficulty is quite interesting but in practice it's just annoying since most of the time you do not know what you are doing since you are just finding objectives for higher difficulty players.

Not to say that Perfect Dark is bad its just severely dated, for its time this game was amazing but in 2023 its just tedious.

Reviewed on Oct 20, 2023
