Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst seeks to reboot the Mirror’s Edge franchise with a whole new world and story for Faith to explore, to a fault in my opinion. Some of the positives of the game include the graphical improvements, controls being better than ever, and combat being quicker. However, all of these improvements come with their downsides. The graphics being changed from all white to glass removed the charm from the original Mirror’s Edge, alongside the fact that the designs of the world as a whole sometimes feel out of place and just not very appealing. The downside with the controls (or an upside, depending on how you look at it) is how you have to unlock several parts of your moveset throughout the game. Finally, I personally think games that are more combat-focused generally just don’t work well, and while the shooting from the original game is fixed (by removing it), I find myself doing the same actions over and over to defeat enemies, because the penalty is fairly small for doing so. I like how Runner Vision is now able to be toggled between the new, classic, and old options, since jt allows anyone to handle the game however they want. I kept it on full, because in the open world, it was necessary for me since I didn’t know anything about the world. The world itself is designed well enough, but I do think you keep coming back to the same few locations too many times causing you to be like “oh, not THIS place again”. By the time I explored the new areas, the game was practically over by that time. Maybe it’s because I prefer exploring linear, yet unique areas rather than more open, yet repetitive areas, or maybe not.

Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst is a fine game, but in my opinion it held back by too many factors to really make it that great of a game to recommend. The original is better in many aspects aside from the shooting, and a few cryptic puzzles here and there, but nothing major.

(Copied from GG)

Reviewed on Sep 27, 2023
