Played with @jerwur. Doing pros and cons is probably the best way to review this game, so uh, I'm going to do that.

-The story was good overall, I liked the starting 2 hours and ending 2 hours the most. The middle faltered a bit, but I still wanted to see it through to the end.
-Playing with a friend that chooses to make things silly instead of serious is pretty fun.
-The splitscreen concept works really well, actually. It sometimes dynamically changes the window depending on who is more important, and if you're playing online if you and your friend interact with different people at the same time, it will make the other person more muffled. Nice touch.
-The game is very forgiving in terms of checkpoints, so if you die you are likely to not have to redo a large portion of gameplay.
-Minigames were fun time wasters
-Vincent Ass

-This game is not focused. Sometimes it's a walking simulator, sometimes it's a third person shooter, sometimes it's stealth missions, and other times it just wants to be completely storybased. It just throws a lot of things at the board and hopes it all sticks
-The game is basically just a set of QTEs surrounded by a world. Could be better.
-Most of the activities you perform are just not very fun. Fishing was actually the hardest part of the game and it had no right to be.
-Animations on the whole were a little rough. Mouth movements weren't amazing in cutscenes and a lot of the time they just looked kind of robotic, which is hard to take seriously.
-Sometimes movement and overall game feel just aren't very polished.

Even with all those issues, playing with a friend just makes the game so much more fun. It's not the best game, but I definitely enjoyed my time with it.

Reviewed on Oct 15, 2023
