the best mario kart so far. best roster, best soundtrack, most replay value and best vibes overall

everything about this is awesome except for actually playing it. id love a remake of this that doesnt play so awkwardly

plays great and looks great, but has one of the most forgettable soundtracks, worst character rosters and lousiest overall aesthetics of the entire series. not to mention this was called Deluxe even though it added nothing and continued to add nothing for nearly 6 years. but, its mario kart on the switch so im still gonna play it a lot

im not a big fan of games like this but i can admit that this does what its trying to do very well

everything about this game is awesome except for actually playing it. i wish Jet Set Radio Future was more available to play cuz its a way fuller realized version of this concept. not a fan of this game's arcade playthrough style and man the later levels are awful

there is zero reason to go back and play this nowadays and that cant be said for any of the other smash games. piss poor single player modes and TBH this roster really wasnt all that

best way to play these 3 games but kinda turns the cool style and atmosphere of the crash series into something overly cartoony and ugly as sin. characters look terrible and the music is such a downgrade

a pretty bad sequel in hindsight but im a splatoon dickrider. i still played this like every day before 3 came out

pretty much as great as smash could ever be. but i'm not a fan of the overall style (nothing beats melee when it comes to aesthetics). and most of the DLC characters just werent my thing. when smash stops being about nintendo i get less interested. IMO 3rd party characters never shouldve gotten crazier than sonic and pac-man

i regret buying this. the amount of things they added into this $60 sequel would be considered a lackluster DLC pack.....

any critique of this game is correct and i wont even try to defend it. but god damn, i think its so much fun. couldve been great if nickelodeon cared