The story was fine, no real complaints for what it is outside of the Disney worlds. By the latter half I was just rushing through each area and using roulette cards if I was ever gated because there’s really nothing to these worlds. The combat becomes bearable once you get the good sleights but it never felt satisfying. The final boss was actually really good but also made me sad that it was the only time the game got creative with its mechanics. It’s relatively short by genre standards which is a relief but thats not a very reassuring upside now is it. I can see why some people skip this one, I’m glad I didn’t because it would have driven me nuts not experiencing the games story firsthand but I certainly don’t blame others for not bothering.

Update:Riku’s campaign I found better from a gameplay perspective along with having a good story but I almost wish they shrunk down the scope of the map even more because it’s monotonous going through the rooms yet again. It’s shorter and the added boss fights were fantastic but that’s about it.

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2023
