i really like the atmosphere and visuals here - it's classic haunted house stuff, zombies and bloodsuckers and just a whole procession of swarming ghouls, which makes it a deserving heir to such greats as grabbed by the ghoulies, zombies ate my neighbors, and gahan wilson's the ultimate haunted house. all games which i enjoyed more than this one and thus couldn't miss the opportunity to mention first (please, go play ultimate haunted house instead!!) .

the 2.5D perspective with the flat characters are cute and cool, but it makes playing the game unfortunately difficult. it's very hard to judge where enemies are in relation to the floor, whether or not a bullet is gonna hit you, shit like that, all really frustrating. i often found myself getting stuck on weird bits of like, furniture geometry, fumbling around on candlestick holders like a damn idiot in front of all these monsters. dead estate encourages you to play fast though, because you have this big rat guy that shows up if you waste too much time on a level, so you gotta be REALLY slick with your movements and stuff but you just can't! such a fast paced, shoot-y arcade-y style roguelike demands very tight controls, and this one lacks in a remarkable way. i guess its playable considering a lot of ppl seemed to like this one, so your mileage may vary IDK.

Reviewed on Oct 25, 2022
