Tekken 8 2024

Log Status






Time Played

93h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 1, 2024

Platforms Played


Tekken 8 slaps, it's just that simple. The story mode was awesome even though it was really short, love majority of the soundtrack as well. I've never been hooked to a fighting game before and out of all the ones I've tried, this is the one I've enjoyed the most. It offers a variety of tools to help you improve which is nice because the learning curve is so crazy but they really nailed it for beginners like me. I almost forgot to mention the customization but it is REALLY good, people out here making their characters look like Drake, Leon S. Kennedy, Luffy etc. LOL

Anyway I have to wrap up the review here since I must hit the lab and practice more. Tekken 8 has been an absolute blast so far, hopefully I'll stick with it!