pokemon scarlet is a mess. it runs like garbage, somehow worse than SW/SH AND legends arceus, which is a feat. the intro is 2 hours of straight dialogue, half the characters are either rebelling rich kids, a felon, or a guy with mommy issues, with consistent glitches throughout.

yet somehow, i found myself entranced through my 25 hours of playtime. the open-world and triple quest line adds a ton of stuff to do. i like the new setup of how everything is set out from the start, though i do wish levels scaled with gyms & weren't set. the glitches and awful story are both so goofy that i couldn't help but laugh.

i think that's why i liked pokemon scarlet so much. a good chunk of the flaws are just so fucking stupid that i just laughed them off, and the others were good concepts with flawed execution. if given more time to polish, game freak could've made an excellent game. unfortunately, the game is just a messy clusterfuck that i still enjoyed quite a bit.

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2024


4 months ago

"It was so laughably bad that it turned out good!"

No one has bigger Stockholm syndrome than Pokémon fans.

4 months ago

@Schmliff0 i also had fewer game-breaking bugs than many others, most of my bugs were just stupid shit like some guy walking through the battle or glitching through the floor. i'm one to generally excuse poor performance if the core gameplay systems are good, and pokemon scarlet probably has the best core systems since gen 5. this game does genuinely have some really solid points for it, and the reason it's not rated higher is entirely due to poor performance.

4 months ago

also you can't tell me that the story isn't a little funny. it was so poorly thought out that i couldn't help but laugh a little. if we're talking "objectively" here, this game is probably like a 4 or 5/10, but i had too much fun to give it a lower score