If you're looking for a quick TL;DR: it's a flawed game, but it's a solid one! Not terrible, but it doesn't quite shine either. I think it laid a pretty solid foundation for the sequel, and in retrospect it really shows. If you enjoyed The Caligula Effect 2, then I can guarantee you that you'll find at least something enjoyable in this game.

For more thoughts, though:
I see a lot of people call this game "mean-spirited," and initially I would agree, but after sinking time into several of the character episodes, I have to disagree. It's initially incredibly jarring when the cast starts slinging some of the most horrid insults at each other (especially so early in the game), but once you take the time to really sit down with them, get to know why they react the way they do, many of them recognize their mistakes, own up to them, and go out of their way to rectify it and improve their behavior. I think that's what I loved the most about this game: that it wasn't afraid the show the ugly side of trauma. That trauma isn't just "waaah I'm sad, but with the power of friendship I feel better now!" but rather it can bring out parts of ourselves we never knew we had, and the worst parts at that.

The game touches on a plethora of heavy subjects, ranging from suicide to eating disorders, and it doesn't cut any corners. The characters react accordingly --- they lash out, panic, hyperventilate, shut down, etc, and as upsetting as that sounds, it's simultaneously refreshing to see a game that refuses to shy away from portraying emotions and topics that a good portion of its target audience have likely experienced themselves. Hell, what's even better is that completing all 9 character episodes doesn't automatically absolve someone of their trauma or their actions. They still struggle to alter their behavior, but from a cognitive standpoint they make a commitment to change, and that's inspiring as a player to see.

Overall, this game is undeniably rough to play, but to read is an entirely different story. It's overall narrative falls a little flat for me, but it doesn't even matter because the characters carry this game unbelievably hard.

I like this game! :D

Reviewed on Mar 29, 2022
