It's always been personality that separates the Resident Evil games I love from those I don't. I fucking love this goofy game. Characters, plot, boss fights, the inclusion of werewolves, gameplay, just about everything appealed to me. Two playthroughs in so far (one first time, one for collectibles), and my only real complaint is I wish that there were more sections where they threw a fuck load of enemies at you. The encounters felt a little too measured at times. Besides that, yeah, I just love it. I'm blown away by how much I like my tiny whiny cockroach man Ethan Winters.

Edit: I completed this on Village of Shadows, the hardest difficulty, for my third playthrough. It was kind of disappointing, exactly the same as the base game but more annoying! I still love the game but VoS mode is so bad compared to RE7's Madhouse difficulty, which remixed the base game in ways that produced genuine challenge, tension, and surprises. All VoS does is make everything a bullet sponge.

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2021
