I wish I could say this is a diamond in the rough. Really it's on the verge of being okay w/ some neat shit hidden in literal shit. Characters are dull and super obnoxious. Fighting is clunky but ngl the longer I played, the better it felt to control.

Barker's premise is wild and great and the loredumps are pretty neat. I like the game as it descends deeper and deeper into the far past and Barker's nasty sexy extremity of dark fantasy. There's some cool as fuck monsters here.

It starts out looking like complete ass and then there are some genuinely beautiful designs towards the end. The level design itself isn't ever that great tho, just twisting tunnels and rooms one after another. Sadly, the game is mostly an ugly slog, then it gets better, then it ends.

Too bad this didn't get a sequel cuz I could see Jericho II refining its mechanics, picking up the ending, and becoming the cult horror shooter that this sadly doesn't quite manage to be. The soundtrack is great tho! Witches With Guns would be a sick band name

Also, between this and REVillage, I realize I find fps games way more interesting when you're fighting huge fantasy monsters

Reviewed on Dec 16, 2021
