F3/New Vegas are ugly as hell, don't get me wrong, but... they're so much nicer to look at and inhabit. This one is weirdly plastic-y.

The first few hours are dog shit. Then I settled into a good vibe for like 30-40 hours, trying not to get hung up on every quest being bad/forgettable, having the most fun while I was just exploring. I liked The Glowing Sea. The last maybe 15 hours destroyed all my good will.

I know horror hasn't been the entire focus of the series but the wastelands in other installments were rife with weird and freaky shit. Fallout 4 felt lighter and more sanitized by comparison. I also miss the horror! I don't like that you fight a deathclaw in the first hour as a scripted event. It led to a lot less tension when you encounter them throughout the game.

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2022
