the fact that this $50 title has less sports than the uncontested king wii sports resort (which was also apparently $50 msrp at launch), implemented kind of shoddily (see below), and ALSO somehow managed to shove free cosmetic battle passes in as fomo is an insult on my life frankly

credit where credit is due though, battle royale bowling is something i did not know i wanted, and chambara / swordfighting is BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER BABY. soccer is weird though, and if we're being honest, volleyball, tennis, and badminton are all basically the same thing. maybe golf will kick ass or something when it comes out, but i doubt it.

also as the world's #1 mii enjoyer i have to disavow myself from these new player models. no offense to them, they're fine. it's a morals thing.

Reviewed on Sep 29, 2022
