The Bookwalker is a really cool idea for a game: jumping through the worlds of different novels to steal precious literary treasures? Sign me up. The worldbuilding is interesting and the worlds of the books were clever homages to different genres, which is why it's so frustrating that it's stuck to a story that's... how do I put this politely... not quite as smart as it thinks it is.

A lot of the "choices" boil down to "do this morally questionable thing because you have to and then get guilt tripped for it" and (no spoilers) the epilogue got a BIG laugh out of me and my friends that definitely was not intentional. The protagonist was also really whiny and hard to root for; I never really felt invested in him or his struggle. It felt like there was a lot of unexplored depth to this story that the writers weren't equipped to handle so they just ignored it and the resulting script is a bit... paper thin.

As a game though, no real complaints. It handled very smoothly and was well paced so I knocked it out in a few hours without feeling bored at any point, which I think was fair for the price point. Combat system was simple but effective, and if anything I wish that there had been more fights.

Not gonna win a Pulitzer any time soon but overall a fun time.

Reviewed on Jul 28, 2023
