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My favorite game of all time, the story is amazing and the relationship between Joel and Ellie is really great and their growth and Joel’s character arc throughout the game is really well done. The environments and environmental storytelling are really done and the world building is amazing. I always feel immersed into the post apocalyptic world whenever I play. The graphics of this remaster still hold up really well and the gunplay and combat is very good. All of the side characters we meet in the story are well written and acted. This game covers the themes of loss overlocking that loss very well through Joel growing to care for Ellie even after losing his daughter Sarah, all of this culminated in the final hospital section which is really well done. The atmosphere with the sirens and the flashing lights and the music with Joel frantically trying to get Ellie out is the perfect culmination of how Joel has grown throughout the game. Might I add the music in this game is top tier. Overall a definite must play for anyone who owns a PlayStation.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2024
