I only replayed the campaign and I liked it very much. Playing it on the highest resolution and 60fps with the Dualsense controller for the very first time was truly amazing. Plus, I find the sound design to be the most satisfying one of the franchise.

I enjoyed the gameplay a lot, even though I completely understand anyone who says "it is just another CoD". I also find very funny that in the first part of the KGB headquarters mission nobody speaks Russian and everyone speaks English with Russian accent instead lmao.

Regarding the stealth (which is present in many missions), I can state that it is just bad, disappointing, soulless and stupid. In comparison to a "kinda recent" game: MGSV, which I don't even want to declare the amount of hours I've played, COD:BOCW has no stealth system at all.

About the world and atmosphere, I love it. Damn, I f*cking love the 80s and its music, the style, the vibes, the cars, EVERYTHING. However and unlike Top Gun, this game had no half-naked guys with sunglasses and sweat playing volleyball in the beach so minus points for that one.

I would give it a 7 as a game, an 8 as an FPS and a 9 as a Call Of Duty game since it is my favorite one in the franchise. For me, it was cool and extremely enjoyable and fun.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2024
