Freedom Planet, at its best, is a fantastic feeling action platformer, with action that supplements the platforming rather than go against it, and at its worst, it's a videogame that seems designed to try and kill you, more than challenge you.

By large, Freedom Planet is great - every level is a blast, they all look great and are accompanied by an excellent OST, none of them really feel like they take 20 minutes to beat as they all hold a nice pace. I especially liked the way they handled combat with the main character - Sash Lilac - a lot of her attacking moves also double as moves that help you traverse the level, like the cyclone and the dash, which helps keep the game's fast pace as you don't waste a lot of time dealing with the goons. I also found a lot of use for the uppercut and divekick, which destroy anyone in a punch or two. No enemy encounter felt like a chore, and that's a pitfall a lot of platformers tend to fall into, which I have to commend Freedom Planet for not falling into. If I had to pick any stage as my favourite, it'd probably be Jade Creek - absolutely love the vibes on that one.

Dig a little deeper, however, and you'll start to notice some problems. My GOD is it ruthless and cruel. It's very hard to not get hit in this game: your hitbox is pretty big and every projectile is massive, you're going everywhere really fast with no time to react, and a lot of the enemies, late game especially, are Metropolis Zone Sonic 2 levels of annoying (Boy do they love spamming those shock troopers, where the hitbox for their projectiles starts inside of their body and not at their gun so good luck trying to hit them idiot). It's also very hard to find any health petals, so expect to spend most of your game without a leg and two fingers. This is only exacerbated with the boss battles, which punish you REALLY HARD for playing them suboptimally. They're kind of like Mega Man bosses - you have to sink in a few lives before you can understand what's going on, but those had the decency of giving you E-Tanks in case things got really bad, here you simply die in 4 hits and I-frames don't feel like a thing. But that might just be me, I didn't really get stuck on any of the bosses long enough for it to be an issue, though I can't imagine fightin Brevon before he was patched.

I've got nothing to say about the story, some of it feels a little tryhard, you probably already know about the squidward's house scene if you know about this game, I'll just say that it's serviceable and that I dig the voice acting.

This is not my first time going through Freedom Planet, and I do not regret coming back to this - this was overall a brief and enjoyable experience. It also made me look forward to playing through the sequel, which seems to be improved on every front. But nobody looks like a scrimblo anymore, and I'll greatly miss that.

Reviewed on Oct 31, 2022
