Loved it as a kid, but sadly aged probably the worst out of all my childhood MMOs.
I'd also advise caution if you decide to play Bin Weevils Rewritten, as the original company behind the game went out of business and due to that fact, the private server is able to charge real money for in-game currency with no consequences.

We live in an era where graphics in games hardly impress anymore. Game companies will create large, expansive and graphically-rich tech demos for the latest console and for many people it just does nothing for them.
I genuinely believe that Virtual Reality titles are the way forward and Half-Life: Alyx convinced me that this medium is the next major step in innovation, story-telling and especially immersion.
Genuinely one of the best games I've ever played, especially as someone who has been a fan of this franchise for almost a decade. I'd recommend that anyone buy a VR headset for this game alone, it's that amazing.

Some of the worst level design in the entire franchise. Love the idea behind the team-up mechanic but it could've been so much more fleshed out.
The music and general aesthetic are pretty good though.

Some nitpicks aside, this is the definitive way to play Sonic 1, 2 and CD!

For 3 and Knuckles, I'd still recommend A.I.R due to it having more QoL improvements and customization but overall, this is a stellar compilation with some beautiful 2D animated cutscenes to boot.
My complaints mostly stem from the slightly blurry looking visuals and generally wishing there were more content included, i.e. Knuckles Chaotix, Sonic Spinball, 3D Blast and the 8-bit games.

I feel as though the expensive price tag is definitely questionable and would say to wait for a price drop if you're unsure, but the game does have plenty of additional side content worth playing. In the end, you're receiving 4, technically 5 great games for a moderately expensive price tag and whether or not its worth said price is up to your interpretation.

Pretty fun although the presentation and UI are really awful.

I played around with the level editor as a kid for more time than I'd be willing to admit to.

The screams that the Sims make in this game are horrific, like holy shit.

Was enough to keep me entertained as a kid so it must've been decent enough.

As a kid I thought I was really funny by naming my hamster "Toilet."

Early MLP:FiM nostalgia my beloved.

"We've added a new feature that encourages you to speed through the levels faster than ever before, but we're also going to add constant bottomless pits and crushing hazards that force you to slow down! Have fun!"

(I love blaze the cat though)

This was super charming back in the day.

The awful micro-transactions aside, this game really embodies the cosy feel of the first three seasons of FiM. Makes me a bit sad we never got many games based on G4.