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The smaller scale of the game really helped monolift create a more cohesive and overall enjoyable experience both narratively and gameplay wise (less random garbage like merc missions or gacha systems) however the game does still have its shortcomings.

-Jin's story is still somewhat incoherent in regards to his personality shift from the end of Torna to the start of xc2.
-Malos once again gets a lot of screen time just to scream "i will destroy the world, that's what humans truly want!!!" over and over again and little else.
-Gort sucks ass and single-handedly ruined a perfect ending sequence with a needlessly drawn out and boring confrontation.
-Much of the game is still just running around trying to get some random flower or ore except this time its not optional because the game forces you to complete a whole lot of side-quests to progress the main story (all while the world is on the brink of collapse).
-The changes to blade combos and the addition of talent arts make the player a lot more powerful and the game doesn't really compensate for that resulting in everything in the game kinda just falling over without much effort.
-Jin and Mythras voice acting is still terrible (not too fond of Lora either)