The manifestation of simple and elegant design. The foundation is so trivially easy to understand, I am suprised such a game didn't exist before. The UX and UI is child-like, logical and sophisticated at the same time, creating a refined experience for the player to interact with the few systems the game throws around. What makes Mini Metro so compelling is its ability to create an identity for each map by just adjusting a few systems. Whether that be the number of lines you get, the number of bridges, the influx of new passengers, etc.. These "minor" adjustments can change the entire flow of the level, which makes this game so compelling and engaging in the long run. While some one-off mechanics get introduced here and there, it isn't the backbone of what makes it engaging - the developers are confident with the core gameplay loop that they can just tweak some parameters and create a familiar, but different level experience every single time. The use of global transits as the backdrop of each level create a relatable, grounded and almost educational experience.

Although the janky difficulty curve could need some improvement, I highly recommend everyone to try this game out.

Reviewed on May 24, 2021
