Teslagrad uses it's physics-based level design and mechanics to its fullest to create a compelling and thought through 2D platforming experience. However, some platforming becomes a tug of war with Unity's Physics System, which just cause a lot of headaches (also some platforming is too "pixel"-perfect/tight for my taste).
I love the artstyle and the pacing is pretty good up until near the ending where the progression is blocked by reaching an arbitrary number of collectibles and results in unnecessary backtracking, which wasn't really annoying in the end, but the fact that it existed bugs me immensly, since its only there to stretch out the playtime. The bosses are just Meat Boy bosses, but just 10x worse - One Hit Death's on Bosses is not fun in a puzzle platformer!

Other than that, it is a joyous platforming experience.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2021
