i loved and still love the first oxenfree; i think it's a perfect game that everyone should play. this one is ... cool, and it's fun, but imo it undermines a lot of the more interesting concepts and themes of the first one while stumbling into some pretty batshit-at-best cultural commentary i think without noticing, very much showcasing some weird stuff in the devs' worldview in a way that undermines the potential of a lot of the game's coolest concepts. the denouement wants to give peace to a lot of tension that didn't need peace at the expense of basically everything else it has some really, really cool features that weave narrative with mechanics + the characters are still compelling and loveable + the gameplay is still engaging and cool + the world still uniquely atmospheric and full of ideas that are fascinating 'n you haven't seen before but in this case the parts are greater than the sum. it didn't ruin oxenfree 1 for me because i can compartmentalize it, but the mind boggles with "why" and if you're a returning fan, you prolly ought to also. it's worth playing, but Fine. the original oxenfree was like always on sale which was wild bc it is SO cool and special and groundbreaking and magical + more than worth its original $20, but this one...you should maybe wait for the sale on

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2024
