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One of the most cozy, most timeless grand adventures ever portrayed in media.

I was a little skeptical about it since I heard it was about time travel. It's so easy to fuck it up and make it a nonsensical plot driver. This, however is what I'd call a prime standard for time travel stories. It doesn't do anything new or overly weird, it just fits perfectly. The characters are so incredibly cozy and likable and witnessing their stories which, again, aren't anything groundbreaking or untraditional but unravel in a masterful and satisfying way is cathartic. And like anyone and everyone, the campfire scene is just so fucking cozy i want reality to be it...

I'm a sucker for time travel stories that dont cower from exploring REAL TIME TRAVEL like if you have a time machine why WOULDN'T you go to prehistory and this game does that I love it so much for it. Something so grand and deeply resonating, witnessing such a monumental story being told in an intuitive way. Also the music is so fucking good oh my god.

Also in a way, its a pretty punk game if you think about it. Which is always a plus in my book.

Ayla best girl.
Robo best boy.
Akira Tomiyama's art is incredible.