5 stars for the sheer fucking uniqueness of this

Honestly, Sea of Thieves is a blast. With friends, it can feel like the greatest game ever. Yet by yourself, eh. The fanbase can also be quite toxic, often hearing slurs when you defeat an enemy in combat.

Skyrim is overrated trash. While it is a ok game, the controls are basic, the skill tree is basic, the gameplay is basic and the quests are basic. The only redeeming quality of this game are the mods.

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While this game is a typical ubisoft game, it does have some redeeming qualities. The story is quite gripping, and you begin the game as Jason Brody, who has never been in a situation like this, After being kidnapped, Jason must save his friends and escape the island, despite Vaas constantly hunting him down.

Vaas is one of Ubisoft's best villains ever. He is complex, and his backstory is shrouded in mystery. The player is led to believe he is insane, however he is perfectly sane. Vaas is killed off around 1/3 of the way through the game, and I think this was a big mistake. For a villain of his scope, I believe he should have been alive a little longer. His death changes Brody, and eventually Jason becomes the new Vaas, torturing his own brother, killing without remorse. There are 2 endings to the game. Ending one, Jason frees his friends from Cintra, and leaves the island. Ending two, Jason succumbs to insanity and kills his friends, becoming Vaas.

Overall, Farcry was at it's best with number 3, and has spiralled down since then.

Kingdom Come Deliverance is a hyper-realistic medieval rpg, set in 1403 Bohemia, now known as the Czech Republic, and I would have to say it is one of the most immersive games I have ever played. While the subpar story lets the game down immensely, the gameplay, environments, side quests and voice acting really bring the game up. With beautiful graphics, and crispy sound, you really feel like you are walking through a European forest. I would rate this game 8/10

Stardew Valley is a cute pixel game, where you inherit your grandpa's old farm, and what happens next is entirely up to you. Grow vegetables and sell them for profit, or work on making friends with the townsfolk. With no clear ending, Stardew Valley can be played until you get bored, and is perfect as a boredom destroyer.

This is one of the most compelling and gripping games I have ever had the pleasure of playing. 10/10