Sonic.EXE 2013

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sonic fucking kills you creepypasta

oned upon a time... i wat at mh computers looking at buff pictures of sonic the hedgehog when My door knocked.

it was my best buddy Joe but he was an ghost and he was hyoerrwlistic blood eyes and he saided "dont trust the bleu...... destroy the son"

i didn't know what this mean but he had a disc with an drawing on sonic the edge on it and i am sexually attracted to Him so i put it in my pc

When i put the gamed in everything seemed normal title screen at first but then AT THE LAST FRAME SONIC TURNED INTO scary man.... he had blood every were and he was holding Amed rose head

I shat myself.

then i played the game but i could only play as tails and I fuckiby HATE that fox i hope fsonci kill him too

every thin seemed normal at first BUT...... there tails was sad which i wasvvery happy about because efuck tails i hate that fuckiny stupid kid thinks he's smarter than everyone else ill fucking kill him

then i walked to the right for 4 minutes AND THEN DEAD BODIES EVERYWHRRE..... it was Amy with NO HEAD... tails fell on his knees and cry..... i was very happy about this

but then sonic show Ed up and he said

"Your are going to die. Miles.
accept ur fate. p*opyhead." (my mom read my creepypasts so i can't say slurs)

i was shocked ..Sonic would enver, when i saw him at walmart He was with a child but he seemed nice very nice but he kill tail?

then the game cut the static for about 4 minutes and then it cut back to Hyper realistic sonic .exe with blood eyes and green coming out of hes eyes.

"I killed tail. nuckle is next"

oh no. i love buckle.

we Now cut to knucke angry with tails' ak-47 to kil sonic

After 8 minutes knuckles finally face to face with evil snick


knuckles:Sonic s.h How could you..

the blue guy i forgot his name: He he he.... knuckles m... just in time....

You are already late.. i killed the master emerald

knuckles: NOOO ILL KILL U

Knuk shoots soni but he's faster than Me in bed (am i right ladies) and he slit hes throat blood every where oh no knucll dies scream...

sonc laugh...

sonic sayd: oh shit i apologies i nevr told u my name

i told him: please do

sonic: my name is....... Roxy.scary

roxy is my ex gf!!!!! she ws an bitch.... i fuckin hate her


Roxy.spooky: yes... i died after u broked up with me and now i am Demon who possess sonic.... and soon I will kill u... but i have old friend to deal with first...

No.......... i can't believ it....

eggman: I must stop sonic


eggman: metle sonic. kill sonic..

metql: ok

Then my evil ex gf roxy appear and kill metal sonic

eggman: No mu son!

roxy.spooky: die baldy nose hair

I HATE META ERA. how dare she reference it instead of dark age.....

i broke my computer with a chainsaw so i didn't have to deal with this injustice any longer

i thought i was safe but.....

Rroxy appears behunded me... she looked like sonic but eviled.

roxy: that not enough to me.... ur with me FRKEVER...

then i died
lesson learned...If u see scary sonic disc DONT PLAY cus ur ex will kill you

thanks for readin my ceepy pasta about sonic constructive criticism only pls add roxy.spooky to fnf sonic.exe mr fnf man