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Trails into Reverie acts as a closure to both the CS and Crossbell games in many ways while incorporating elements from Sky the 3rd.

The story overall is fine, its mostly self contained but uses elements from Cold Steel 4 so it's certainly not something I'd recommend for anyone getting into the series. It had some good moments overall, not as great as some in CS4 but also no where near as low. General criticism might be that some of the elements the series has been there done that. But the pacing is so much better than previous games.

Part of this is due to a semi optional dungeon area that you are relatively free to go to whenever you want. This also acts as a farewell to the engine before Kuro as they throw every character under the sun at you to use along with all the DLC outfits from the previous games which is delightful. Additionally it shares elements from 3rd where you can watch optional side stories that are this games version of doors.

Music is generally good, very much if you like Trails music there's no real reason you wouldn't like it here.

Characters are all the old ones you love. Most of them have their small part to play but generally fade into the background afterwards, though by breaking up the story into three branches it gives the story and characters in them room to breath and feel a bit more impactful than CS4.

The new ones for me there was one character I really enjoyed and the other two I would be fine if they don't return, I don't feel like they brought anything really new and one of their personalities was as exciting as wet cardboard.

At the end Reverie is a good way to wrap everything up going into Kuro and makes me look forward to what the series has in the future.