Didn't really expect to like this as much as I did. Xenoblade's got a bad rep, especially 2, but it's a pretty awesome experience.

The scenery is insane right off the bat. You could fucking climb up a big ass mountain and jump off the cliff into a lake below. The developers did a great job showing off the scale of everything in the entire world and really making it seem grandiose. Though, this comes at the cost of you having to hit the auto-run button through a big ass field, going to the bathroom, and coming back to find you stopped auto-running because a dinosaur locked onto you from 80 miles away. (lol)

The music is straight gas. They just seriously dropped nonstop bangers the whole game. Shit goes hard.

The combat, overall, was alright. I'm sure I would have had a lot more fun in a normal action game, but what's here is decent for most of the game. There are some REALLY annoying parts toward the end and a FUCKTON of enemies always on your ass in most areas. You'll mostly end up spamming the same few moves because the AI sucks for both the enemies and team members. Blah blah blah Mechon fights blah blah blah Monado gimmicks blah blah blah

The characters, they're also just okay? Shulk carries the main party really hard and Dunban comes in at a close second with some really awesome speeches. I didn't expect to like Riki and Melia much, but they have some great scenes before it feels like they just chip in for a line or two here and there. Reyn is a pretty chill bro I don't really have much to say about him. Fiora is okay??? She has some standout scenes, but if Shulk wasn't constantly saying her name I think I would forget she was even there. Finally, fuck Sharla, her dumbass brother, and everyone else in Colony 6! I just wish the main story had some more scenes of the entire party hanging out because I did like the interactions they had.

Story-wise, I never felt like I was waiting for something to happen or that it was being padded out. Right when I thought it would get boring some new crazy shit just randomly appears and some new stuff gets revealed. It's pretty consistent assuming you're not wandering around doing side-quests for Colony 6 bums.

Overall, very good! Best thing ever? Nope. Worst thing ever? Nope.
Just a pretty great story with amazing music and a so-so game attached... So, the Xeno series.

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2023


8 months ago


8 months ago

time for xenoblade 2 pal

8 months ago
