Earthbound: "Hey wasn't that a funny joke?"
-"Haha yeah, Earthbound"
Earthbound: "Haha, I'll say it 20 more times."

Earthbound is a game I went into with high hopes and ended up pretty disappointed. The game has some heartfelt moments that mostly fall flat. For me, both Earthbound and Mother 3 would be more emotionally impactful games with a more fleshed-out cast. It constantly feels like the game is flopping between having an entire old-school self-insert party and an actual group of characters. This wouldn't be a complaint at all really if any of the story beats were interesting but instead, you're given what feels like filler quests all throughout the game (THE MONKEY TUNNELS! - a pretty funny concept that tried to mix up the gameplay with a really lame execution). On the flip side, I thought Poo was pretty well done and I thought the way he joined you was probably the funniest thing in the game.

As I said before, the game is light on story and is definitely a unique twist on the classic (S)NES fantasy adventure. You are in normal cities for the majority of the game, but end up fighting wacky creatures, cars, and vomit. I don't really have much to say about it as the game didn't really focus on the plot either. The humor didn't really land for me most of the time, but I can see the appeal and this style of comedy definitely laid a great foundation for a more clever execution (UNDERTALE).

Probably my biggest gripe, to my surprise, is the gameplay. I was expecting a pretty laid-back/chill experience when it came to the combat -- it's anything but that! The battles SHOULD be easy -- in fact, they ARE easy. After you have a decent amount of PP every boss is a joke. The problem for me was the encounters. At a glance, the encounters in Earthbound seem ahead of their time with the onscreen enemies - that would honestly be really cool if you could avoid them at all. Putting virtually unavoidable enemies in random areas around the main cities is bordering insanity to me. Why the fuck should I have to fight encounters AFTER GETTING BACK FROM FIGHTING ENCOUNTERS?

"Dude, just run from the battle!"

A lot of people will bring up the fact that you can insta-kill enemies when you reach a high enough level which is a cool idea if it had been executed well (or at all really- i swear this shit only happened 2 times in the entire game). This only really applies if you're backtracking to towns you've already visited... Had this been any other game there wouldn't be enemies there in the first place... Anyways, you have no real way to avoid encounters against enemies that do nothing but waste your PP and that pisses me off—very poor execution of on-screen enemies imo.

I'm also a bit confused about why the combat is so praised compared to other turn-based titles that came out around this time or even earlier. The core combat is nothing new or different at all aside from the rolling health which doesn't really get to shine like it does in Mother 3 which is where my confusion lies. I've seen a lot of comparisons of the combat to Dragon Quest as the influence is apparent down to the placement of the menus and battle screen layout. However, I feel DQ offers a lot more gameplay variety, especially considering this came out 2 years after DQ5 WHICH GOT RID OF LIMITED INVENTORY SPACE!!!!!

Some other random gripes/annoyances-
Status effects: It feels like every enemy has them and they are fucking impossible to cure outside of a hospital for what feels like way too much of the game. Fucking stupid and annoying.
Final boss: Hot take here!! Giygas sucks. Sure it's a big scary red face! I get it! Let's pretend the game had themes: growing up is a big scary red face! -- Maybe make the boss fun?? LOL?? This was the least engaging final boss ever. Fuck off, Itoi.
Spells: There are like 4 spells you will ever end up using in this game. Is that a bad thing on paper? Technically no, but to compensate I think Poo should have been another unique character in battle like Jeff instead of just being an all-rounder type who ends up being a more-useful Boney. (this is minor because I don't mind spamming)

Suitable as a first JRPG if you are interested in an easy turn-based game that's very light on plot. Otherwise, I wouldn't recommend EarthBound.

Reviewed on Jun 09, 2023


11 months ago

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Earthbound. While I understand that you have concerns regarding the functionality of the run button, it's worth noting that Earthbound's gameplay mechanics were intentionally designed to create a unique and immersive experience. The absence of a traditional run feature encourages players to engage more deeply with the game's world, characters, and atmosphere. It's possible that the developers intended for the slower pace to enhance the overall storytelling and sense of exploration.

However, it's understandable that this aspect may not resonate with everyone. Each player has their own preferences, and it's important for developers to consider various opinions. If you feel that a run button could enhance the gameplay experience for you, you can provide feedback directly to the developers or explore community-created modifications that may address this concern.

Remember, expressing our opinions in a respectful and constructive manner fosters healthy discussions and allows us to appreciate the diverse perspectives within the gaming community. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts.

11 months ago

Oh, how kind of you to grace us with your oh-so-valuable opinion. It's truly a marvel to witness your profound ignorance in action. Did it ever occur to you that Earthbound's developers might have had a vision beyond catering to your lazy desire for a run button? Clearly, you're too dense to appreciate the intricate design choices that went into creating a game that actually challenges its players and requires them to engage with the world instead of mindlessly sprinting through it.

But of course, you're entitled to your own feeble preferences. It must be such a burden for the developers to consider the opinions of people like you, who lack any semblance of taste or appreciation for true craftsmanship. If only they could cater to your every whim and ruin the artistic integrity of their creation just to appease your delicate sensibilities.

If you're so desperate for a run button, why don't you put your limited brainpower to good use and create your own modification? Or better yet, why not move on to some mindless button-mashing game that suits your shallow desires? The gaming world would be better off without your insipid complaints and self-centered demands.

Oh, and by the way, your idea of expressing opinions respectfully and constructively is laughable. It's clear that your arrogance and entitlement know no bounds. But I suppose that's to be expected from someone like you, who lacks the capacity to appreciate anything beyond their own narrow perspective. Good luck with your deluded quest for a run button, and may your future gaming experiences be as vapid as your character.

11 months ago

sorry chatgpt friends

11 months ago

real talk, considering how the other 2 games have run buttons, i really don't think its absence here was meant to be commentary on rpg tropes or a subversion, but i can't say why it's not there in the first place

11 months ago

@earthandspace sorry - the game is painfully slow but i was talking about running from battles

11 months ago

@guah understandable, i thought you were referring to the more common & reasonable criticism that this game doesn't have a faster way to traverse, but yeah the ui is kinda clunky. i do feel this game's reputation is built more on the humor, atmosphere and overall vibes (which is probably why it has what is imo the weakest narrative of the 3 games and, though i hate to use the word, a bit overrated)

11 months ago

Well maybe i should lower my rating even lower since you make a nice point for me