4 Reviews liked by gufei

Here's a game that you cannot purchase, in any way or form. There is literally no way you can officially get this game.

It is quite a shame. This game was released exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS eshop. By now, the closing of the 3DS eshop is probably old news to everyone and their grandmas.

There was some panic due to the fact that we would lose many games, and a few months ago (around the time of the shutdown) the topic trended among Nintendo fans. However, the panic seemed to simmer down quite a bit. I think it's time to start bringing it up again. Along with this game, we have no way to purchase, among many others: Pushmo, Stretchmo, the first two Dillon's Rolling Westerns, Harmoknight, Sakura Samurai, Pocket Card Jockey, and the Denpa Men games.

This game might as well be pretty much lost. If it weren't for archivists, that is. It's ironic, considering this is a game about helping someone manage a museum of nostalgic items. This game has itself become relegated to the archive.

The game itself is actually quite good. You could fool me if you said this was a full-priced 3DS retail game. Sure, it does show it's budget-ness in some ways. Most evidently, in it's casual, somewhat repetitive gameplay loop. It does at time feel like a game you would play in transit, or before bed to wind down.

Yet, this doesn't really capture (no pun intended) how beautiful this game is. Visually, it's stunning. Skip have always been masters of visual wizardry, pushing pretty much every platform they've released a game on to it's graphical limits. Here, the environments are beautiful., and everything is bathed in golden and leafy green colors. It just feels serene. Music is also awesome.

The camera feature sucks though (which is probably the 3DS's fault), that's all I'll say on that lol. It sucks, it really does. I have no idea how the recognition system in this game works (which is where I'll put the responsibility on the game). it won't recognize an object, even if it's in perfect lighting. Even if it does recognize it, it often shows up as a "Nostaldud", this puzzle piece thing that vanishes along with the film you just bought. It was really annoying when this happened, but at least the puzzle pieces became things you could collect to get another piece of film... yay?

Otherwise, this actually feels like an official Chibi-Robo game. Chibi-Robo lite, maybe. It is somewhat diluted. However, it's really the last of the Chibi-Robo games to be a 3D action-adventure. If you've played the first 3, you might actually like this one. Don't be put off by the new designs of the characters, or what at first seems like nothing but a minigame collection. This game actually has exploration (however, you travel to different places through photos rather than one interconnected world, so it's a little different).

The characters were charming, strange, and each had their own personality. Music was actually awesome. I'll let the music speak for itself, so definitely check out the OST.

In summary, it's really a shame that this game is no longer available to purchase in any way. I somewhat hope that it would be brought over to the switch, but part of me doubts it. If I remember correctly, the developers Skip went out of business. This game is really charming when you give it a chance, and surprisingly in-depth (according to my save file I spent 16 and a half hours on it, and the game was 10 dollars). It really deserves to be remembered.

POV: You are in a competition to be the most edgy person and Neku Sakuraba is your opponent.

i spent $2 on this its a worth a taco