What happens when you try to make an FPS Gears Of War copy, but without ANY of the charm and quality? Well, the result was probably the worst game I've played in 2020, so far.

I'll say this, though, the shooting mechanics are FUN! They were the only thing that kept me going through this 7/8 hour campaign. Controls are tight, pacing's frenetic, weapon variety is good, the HUD is kinda nice, the sniper feels WONDERFUL to use and that, honestly, is enough to earn a replay, if you're aiming for a game that you COMPLETELY do not need to do any type of thinking. One other thing, I know there's a cool multiplayer mode, but Bulletstorm would be MUCH better with a co-op/splitscreen for the story mode.

Aside from the shooting, everything else sucks, in my opinion. I could list everything that destroyed Bulletstorm for me, but it would tire me AND you. Here are a few stinky things in it: Shirtless bullet sponge enemies, while your health is made of paper. The writing and voice acting are ATROCIOUS. Level design is dull and the environments are generic as hell. The leash is cool and all, but it gets old REALLY fast. This game would benefit a lot from a jump button, but I would suffice for an action command that ACTUALLY works properly. No grenades. Hideous AI. Taking cover is pointless. Some enemies are very poorly designed, like the Burnouts, for example. Occasional stiff movement moments. Cringe-worthy jokes. Also, there is a very bland story going on, but... Wait... Was there a story at all?

Bulletstorm is like... Being forced to watch a kid play with his toys and actually try to pay attention in what he's doing. The kid makes the story and dialogue as he goes and things sort of just happen. Will it put a smile in your face? Sure! Once or twice... For a tiny while, I guess. Is it any good? Hell no! You'd definitely rather do ANYTHING else.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2024
