Resident Evil Revelations does exactly whats it sets out to do and actually manages to be a better game than RE5 and RE6.

It's definitely not the series' best effort and it feels too much like these two previous titles, but it surprisingly works.

The first thing that I have to say here is that it felt good having Jill Valentine back as a protagonist. Especially when you join with Chris later on. Jill's a very strong character for the franchise and I hope Capcom uses her (and a few others often ignored) better.

With that said, I also have to give credit to Revelations' new characters. I'm pretty sure that they'll never ever show up again, but Jessica, Parker and Raymond had their own strong personalities and motivations, aiding the plot to move forward with Jill and Chris.

Speaking of plot, the interconnected story in Revelations is good. It's Not amazing, but it got me interested. The whole FBC/Terragrigia revelation didn't make any sense to me, which kinda weirds things a little, but it works for the most part. Sure, the writing is still VERY cheesy, like a 'B-Movie', but that's part of RE's classic charm at this point.

The only problem is that it is very inconsistent in its constat change of characters and that problem leaks to the gameplay.

Jill's campaign is great and the game should've just been that. Exploring the ship carries a bit of RE4's taste and the level design, although not perfect, is decent. But when you go back and forward in time, with different characters, in different places, it slowly breaks the pace and atmosphere that the game itself builds up.

I mean, you go from elegantly doing puzzles and running away from Rachel with Jill, to completely changing your weapon loadout to play as two bland new characters (Quint and Keith) fighting hordes of hunters or an on-rails shooting moment with Chris, facing a giant worm monster, in a totally different map...

Add this to a few gameplay setbacks and Revelations starts losing a lot of its steam. The dodging mechanic sucks and it feels mandatory sometimes, using the Genesis isn't always fun or useful, movement is a bit clunky, inventory management is nonexistent, backtracking decelerate things and the final boss is the worst in the franchise.

And this is a shame because everything else in the gameplay DOES work. The atmosphere, shooting mechanics, Raid mode, cool unlockables, gruesome enemies (Rachel scares me), nice exploration and even SOLID water levels.

I am not sure how to accurately rate Resident Evil Revelations. I liked it a lot, but when I think too much about it, I can see its cracks. And there are plenty. Maybe the game just works better on a 3DS, but I played it on the Switch, so I can't tell.

But it's a grower. Short and sweet, like a Resident Evil should be. But despite its mishaps, I definitely recommend it.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2024
