What if you could play the old Tony Hawk games, but now you have a gun and a bunch of creeps and robots shooting at you?

That's exactly what Rollerdrome is and, despite how fun it is, I'm not sure if the mix actually works.

The game's artstyle is cute, it controls nicely, the gameplay loop is fun and there's even a funny light backstory going on in between levels. This alone, should be enough to get you to play. Challenges are fun, enemy variety is okay, levels are cool as hell and there's great replayability value here.

But after finishing the game and most of its brief extra content, I don't feel like the game is as good as it sounds. Maybe it's just not my type of game, but no matter how much fun I was having with it, I just couldn't help but feel like it was sort of... a mess?

It's VERY short, not so compelling and it feels a little shallow, actually. What bothered me the most is that there are just too many things going on. How are you supposed to do challenges, kill off 50 enemies while doing tricks to reload your ammo and trying to finish the level on time to get maximum high score? And the extra mode unlocked later is basically more of the same, just even more annoying.

I know it feels like I'm shooting down the things that I said are fun about the game. But there's just something that really didn't feel right here and I can't quite put a finger on what. I blame it on the weird shooter/skate mix.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2024
